Friday, September 20, 2013

Freelancing #11

As soon as the flames die out,
I'll be running back from the start
Maybe I'll just forget all my doubt,
and unwind this war-torn heart 

I don't know the taste of wine,
but a sip can make me better
I wished I can have all your time,
but it makes me more drunk than sober

Our love was about to grow,
but uncertainty weakened it to death
I could have reaped what I sowed,
but we suppressed it until its last breath 

Our past haunted our future,
and forged us to be lame
But our hearts doesn't need torture,
so let's stop playing this painful game

As soon as the fire die out,
I'll be searching for those broken parts
Maybe I'll just ignore all my doubts,
and rewind myself back from the start