Thursday, December 20, 2012

College Memoirs presents: Jacklyn Marvie "Avie" Llegado

I would like to end my year by recollecting on lingering memories of the past 3 and a half, unfinished college years I had. I would like to acknowledge the individuals that made a significant role of making these years  remarkable. And these said, let me begin with the first individual.

Jacklyn Marvie Llegado aka "Avie"

The First Encounter 
          My first  encounter with Avie is a month after the beginning of the school year. She and I were both Freshmen students in the School of Education, yet during the first few weeks we didn't even interacted with each other because she had a different set of  friends. As of my memory, my first conversation with her was  when she at  PH305 ,crying about a recent break-up with his boyfriend. I was not acquainted with her situation at those times because I'm not  that close to her. So, together with some of my classmates, I began to bond with Avie until as far as I can remember. We even joined the Educator's chorale group. We were the only freshmen in our batch to join the group that was consisting of higher year level students.

The Mediator 
      Avie is known to our entire batch as the right hand of every professor we had especially in the class of Dr. Edward Padama, our "first year-first day" professor. She is known to be close to our professor and she literally handled examination during Dr. Padama's class. She is also the mediator between conflicting members of our circle of friends. He would often remind us of the values we had as friends and we should never talk to each other's backs.

As a Student...

     Avie is one of the top performing students in our class. Making it to the Dean's list from our sophomore year until this semester. I know Avie as a student who takes projects seriously and condemns anyone who shows mediocrity in times of decision making.

As a Student Leader...

     Avie held important positions in the our college organization. She held the Secretariat post of YES and took over the Vice Presidency of the organization when Daryl Bulan was elected the President of the Student Council. As a leader, Avie made it clear to her subordinates that she means business when it comes to handling affairs within the organization. After a few months as Vice President of YES, she ran for Secretariat position in the Student Council, and she won with no opponents. She now serves as the Secretary of the Student Council.

As a Friend...

      I've known Avie to be somewhat Bipolar sometimes. As Katy Perry's song goes "She's Hot and she's cold, she's yes and the no", her behavior sometimes is unpredictable. I take precautions when discussing certain topics to her just to prevent an argument with her. But with that aside, she voluntary approaches you if she senses you feel indifferent from the others. She will talk you into your senses and gives a advice on how to handle you issues.

My Testimonial

      Avie, I thank you for sharing your time with me when I was in Arellano. I may bring contradictions to your statements which you greatly dislike, but assure you all that you have told me was beneficial and none of those was wasted in vain. I have done things that you demised so much and ask your apology on such events. You'll be the one of those person that I'll be missing after your graduation. I thank you and I congratulate you in advance :)

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